Dried Fig (Natural and Organic)

Figs (Ficus Carica Domestica L.) are grown widely in Aydın Region, Turkey.

The best figs (Ficus Carica Domestica L.)  grows in Aydın region.

Turkey is the country which produces and exports the most dried figs.

Figs are naturally sun dried.

Dried Fig's calibration is done based on official standard number TS 541.

Figs are described according to style such as Natural, Lerida, Garland, Pulled, Protoben, Connecting and Diced.

Bulk packages is from 5 kgs up to 10  kgs per carton boxes. (Such as 3 kgs/5 kgs/10 kg/ 12 kgs)

Dried Figs can be also preparate for retail  from starting 250 grams packages to of various weight. (Such as 250 grs/400 grs/500 grs/1 kgs)

Also retail products can be prepared with the desired properties and private brand label according to buyers’ request.